Guided Dry Fy Fishing Trip

What is dry fly fishing?

Dry fly fishing is where anglers use artificial flies that float on the water's surface to imitate adult insects. The allure of dry fly fishing lies in the visual excitement of watching a fish rise to the surface to take the fly, creating a thrilling and often dramatic moment. This method is considered the most fun way to fly fish. The visual feedback of seeing a fish actively engage with the fly adds an extra layer of excitement and satisfaction to the experience. Dry fly fishing is a celebration of precision, observation, and the joy of witnessing a fish respond to a perfectly presented imitation on the water's surface.

Seasons For Dry Fly Guided Trips

Spring Season: March - June

Dry fly fishing in Northern California during the spring and early summer months, from April to June. This period corresponds to the peak of insect hatches when rivers like the McCloud River, Upper Sacramento, and Hat Creek come alive with activity. Additionally, late afternoons and evenings are often productive as the air temperature warms, encouraging increased insect and fish activity.

Summer Season: June - August

Summer is an excellent time for dry fly fishing in Northern California, with the peak season extending from June to August. During these months, the region experiences warmer temperatures and increased insect activity, creating optimal conditions for surface presentations. The summer months are marked by prolific hatches of various insects like mayflies, caddisflies, and stoneflies, enticing trout to rise to the surface. Early mornings and late evenings are particularly productive as the air is cooler, and trout are actively feeding. The long days and clear skies make for enjoyable angling, and the diverse rivers of Northern California, such as the McCloud River, Upper Sacramento River, Hat Creek, and Fall River offer exciting opportunities for dry fly enthusiasts seeking memorable summer fishing experiences.

Fall Season: September - November

Fall in Northern California presents excellent opportunities for dry fly fishing, particularly in September, October, and November During this time, the weather tends to be more stable, and aquatic insect activity remains prevalent. The cooling temperatures signal a shift in the behavior of trout, making them more receptive to surface presentations. Additionally, the fall months witness various hatches, such as mayflies and caddisflies, and one of the more prolific hatches the October caddis hatch, and the McCloud River, Upper Sacramento River, and Hat Creek provide ample opportunities for anglers to entice trout with dry flies. Late mornings and early afternoons can be especially productive as the day warms up, making fall a rewarding season for those seeking the excitement of dry fly fishing in Northern California.

Rivers & Lakes We Guide Dry Fly Trips